
Showing posts from 2019

Knitted Dolls (Jean Greenhowe)

This project has been a long time in its gestation. I have had Jean Greenhow's book 'Knitted Toys' for many years, and wanted to try something a tad more ambitious than the smaller toys I had previously knitted. At the suggestion of some small friends, I decided to try her knitted dolls.  I don't think I had realised quite how big they would be, despite the instructions stating that they are each 47cm. These dolls are different from most of the knitted toys in this (or other) books, as they have removable clothes. I didn't know who I was making them for at first. I wasn't sure I would even finish them; I was more interested in making the clothes than the dolls, as they seemed more interesting. It's over two years since I started with this, the 'boy' doll.  I never like knitting dolls with pink faces and hands; the pinks available never seem like flesh colours. So I prefer to use light browns, to give a suggestion of Asia or South America, or p